Protest is Patriotic Bannering on I-5 & 45th St Overpass Friday 8:30-9:30am

Kaepernick Bannering

Protest is Patriotic - Lend a hand to awesome solidarity brigade organizer and volunteer Cindy!

Cindy and friends created a large deer fence banner to build solidarity and support for the struggle for racial justice and equity. Cindy needs a few helping hands to mobilize it above I-5 greeting thousands of commuters in the morning.

Help us remind thousands of Seattleites that Kaepernick's protest is part of long history of steadfast organizing for justice and equity for all!

Thanks for showing up and being part of the team!

  • September 29, 2017 at 8:30am – 9:30am
  • 45th Street overpass above I-5 (Meet at the North or Southeast corner of 45th st and 7th avenue)
    4500 7th Ave NE
    Seattle, WA 98105
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Cindy Pestka


Will you come?