Creative Activism Kicks Off an Impactful Year

Since the beginning of the year, Backbone has focused a lot of work on our Rail in the Public Interest campaign - regionally and nationally. On the artful activism side, we've worked to train up new members of our Solidarity Action Squads; more people are utilizing lights for projection and our LED banners for night time messaging. Read on for some of the highlights and to see what your support has made happen! Continue reading

Ceasefire Now! Spinal Column News for October 2023

Our last Spinal Column Newsletter came out mid-summer; we are eager to share with you what we've been up to since then. It is thanks to the many ways you show up and support Backbone Campaign that all this is possible - so we want to start by saying THANK YOU for believing in and supporting this unique nonprofit. From volunteering to donating to taking action with us in the streets, we are grateful for our Backbone Family.  We must acknowledge the grief we feel, first for the shooting of our Community Supported Organizer Jacob Johns, and second for the escalating violence and war crimes in Israel - Palestine. Continue reading

Summer Street Heat

From Vermont to Detroit, Glasgow to Seattle, Lewiston to Portland - and many points between - Backbone has been training activists in projection, inflatables, kayaktivism, and bannering - and amplifying policies that make a material difference in people's lives. This issue of The Spinal Column (our quarterly e-newsletter) features a few of the highlights from the last couple of months. Continue reading

Creative Actions & Rail in the Public Interest - a Backbone update

With this Spinal Column update for April 2023, we hope the beauty and creativity of actions will inspire your activism! Continue reading

2022 Wrap Up!

Check out some of the highlights from actions in 2022! Continue reading

Spinal Column - October 2022

Protecting What We Love - Backbone Update October 2022 In our last Spinal Column newsletter, we were awaiting the Final Report from Governor Inslee and Senator Murray, on the necessity of breaching of the four dams on the Lower Snake River.  It finally came out and concluded that yes, breaching is necessary to stop extinction, but the services those dams provide need to be replaced first. They anticipate in their report that will take 10 years - many more years than we have! Team Backbone is working to push up that timeline considerably. Continue reading

Spinal Column - July 2022

When We Fight, We Win! It's been a full Spring and Summer, and we wanted to give you an update on what your support has meant. Our biggest lean in this year (building on previous years' work) is on the campaign to restore the Snake River and stop the extinction of wild salmon and Southern Resident orca. As part of a grassroots coalition, we are working hard to let our policymakers feel the urgency of real salmon restoration, that is science based and that follows the lead of NW Tribes. Continue reading

Spinal Column - March 2022

"Ready, Set, ACTION!"  Artful Activism Update Continue reading

Spinal Column October 2021

Last week was one of the busiest in Backbone's 18 year history: Continue reading

Backbone In the News: An Upstream Paddle To Save the Salmon

Check out the article in In These Times, featuring the Rally for the River kayaktivism event on August 7th!     Continue reading