Monthly Call to Discuss Tools to Elevate Aspirations and Channel Outrage into Bold Action

Backbone is supporting our communities and we want to tool you up. The messages are evolving but the outrage is deep and the aspirations are elevating. 

Join us on a call to discuss the ways you can take creative action.  RSVP Below to get the Call In Link

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 16th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

"Trump Must Resign" and "Abolish the Police" are both messages that would have felt too far a reach to broadcast even a week ago. 
Today, we believe that both those messages are growing roots in the imaginations of the American people. 
We want to elevate those aspirations and channel outrage into strong, harmonized and enrolling actions that are legal and as safe as possible to deploy. 
This is also a moment to support calls for a General Strike, and several cities have projection tools to show up in solidarity with that message.
Join the call to coordinate our actions. Let us know if you'd like our team will build you a banner with one of these messages, or send you the materials to do so.
Forward Together!


  • June 16, 2020 at 5:00pm – 6pm
  • Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Amy Morrison

Will you come?