Bring Amy Back to Backbone!
Bill and the Backbone Board recently asked if I would serve as the Backbone Campaign’s Deputy Director. At that moment, I could envision the deeper impact we could make if someone were dedicated and working hard on some of these less glamorous aspects of the work; I said a wholehearted yes!
About Me (Amy): I was part of the Backbone Campaign several years ago, from 2004-2010. During this period, the organization grew from a scrappy Vashon-led celebration of political Backbone to a nationally networked campaign to build a progressive social movement.
After seven years I took a break and turned my attention to learning more about nonprofit management, fundraising, and accounting. I served on a few local boards and worked in different capacities for nonprofits and other agencies.
Then in 2014 two things happened. First, I read an article by Rebecca Solnit about how climate change is global-scale violence - against places, species, and human beings. Solnit's writing woke me up about what climate change would mean to everything I loved. I realized what a treasure Backbone Campaign is as a resource to amplify our voice and our hope for change - how fortunate we are to have this in our community.
Around that time, Bill showed me some of the leadership materials he was using to expand his skills as an Executive Director. I was struck by Backbone’s evolving and mature approach to its work -- with more reflection, a unified and focused strategy and spreading the joy of citizen activism.
I joined the Board and have enjoyed reconnecting the organization with our Vashon base, especially those of you who have been with us since the beginning, in 2004, and hosting various local events. I also realized that I had been missing my tribe; "We Are Many" - and we are all part of a larger, compassionate family.