Sliding Scale Kayaktivism Pitch-In
We work to make Kayaktivsm accessible to all. Part of this is making sure that expense of kayak rental is not a barrier to participation. So, we ask everyone to do what they can. Here are some suggestions according to typical expense to Backbone Campaign:
- $5 is what we'd like as a minimum pitch-in to reserve a spot in a kayak.
- $10 is a suggested reduced rate
- $25 covers your cost
- $50 covers your cost and anonymously supports another person
- $100 covers you and anonymously supports 3 others
You can multiply the quantity of your contribution to match your capacity. If you are specifically counting on a single, double or triple kayak, be sure to confirm with the Backbone office about availability. Call us at 206-408-8058 and/or email [email protected]