Vashon Organizing for Community Resilience


Help Backbone organize our Island community - and share our lessons, experience and tools with our larger world - by making your contribution here. We're all in this together!

The CoViD-19 pandemic is terrible. The opportunity for change is great. We needed a massive pivot to localization, sustainability, and use CoViD-19 as an escape hatch out of the collective madness of capitalism's cult of consumption. This crisis comes with so much suffering that to simply go back to business as usual would be a sin, a squandering of perhaps our final chance to restore balance. #ReMakeTheWorld

This blog page is dedicated to collecting resources and opportunities and lessons learned from our local resilience organizing in our home community of Vashon-Maury Island. Connectivity is the antidote to isolation and disempowerment. Backbone is also offering regular How To Zoom tutorials and other web-based presentations.  Watch our calendar to sign up to participate in upcoming opportunities. 

Universal Basic Income

In August 2020, Backbone Campaign collaborator Diane Wittner interviewed Steven Shafarman, author of Our Future: The Basic Income Plan for Peace, Justice, Liberty, Democracy and Personal Dignity. Continue reading

#Grounded: A Conversation with Winona LaDuke and Bill McKibben on Decarbonization, Localization & Just Transition

Localization of economies, democracy and resilience requires that we be/get "Grounded" -  reconnected to place, planet and each other. In the old "normal" it was difficult to imagine stopping air travel. Today, it is much easier to imagine. The climate, planet and creatures need the new normal to look dramatically different from the old normal. NOW is our moment of opportunity.   Continue reading

Spread the Word - Not the Virus

Thank you to the great group of folks on Vashon collaborating on posters, videos and more. We are so fortunate. Check out our first CoViD-19 PSA. Continue reading

Propaga la palabra, no propagues el virus.

Echa un vistazo al primer PSA CoViD-19. Gracias al equipo:Edición de video James CulbertsonProducción de video, Kathryn True, Jim Farrell y Bill JarchoEscritores, Jeff Hoyt (voz en inglés), Mariela Franco (voz en español),Bill Jarcho Director / productor Continue reading

Nettles - Nature's Free Backyard Food, Medicine and Tea

On Vashon Island, nettles grow everywhere! March-April is a PERFECT time to harvest this nutrient-rich native food. As part of Backbone Campaign's Resilience work, we asked our friends Alix Clarke and Eunice Blundt (aka Martha Enson) to demonstrate how to use this plant, as a potential immune boosting food. With a touch of humor - they demonstrated the different stages of preparation from harvesting without getting stung, how to prepare in soup, make chips, and preserve the goodness in tea and tincture.   Continue reading

Time Banks as a Tool to Remake our World - a Conversation with Time Bank Leaders across the US

At Backbone, we believe that Time Banking is a useful tool for lifting quality of life and building resilience local economies in this time pandemic and system failures. As access to the monetary system and traditional employment are threatened, community connections are a source of well being, health and political power.  Continue reading

Community Resilience Posters

  Thank you to the incredible group of artists and designers who have been pitching in at this critical time. To access high resolution (and low res) .jpg versions of these posters for downloading and printing, visit our Flickr site. PDFs of each are available at these links: Health Rules/Reglas de Salud Grow Food Wash Yo Hands! Stay Safe 6 Feet Apart Bea Thanks You/Bea te agradece Continue reading

Local Living Economies for Community Resilience - a Conversation with Judy Wicks.

Judy Wicks is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and mentor working to build a more compassionate, environmentally sustainable, and locally-based economy. Continue reading

Food for All Vashon Zoom Discussion

In light of public health, community safety, and increasing restrictions on convenings and  movement, folks could be feeling more isolated, and our connections to each other and the land seem even more important.  Who knows what the economy will do, but wouldn't it be great if we could help make sure there is food for everyone on our Island?  Vashon Island farmers recently joined for a discussion hosted by Backbone Campaign  Join the conversation - this moment needs your creativity, skills and ideas. Continue reading

Vashon Food for All Volunteer Survey

If you are interested in helping to increase food production on Vashon, please check out our volunteer (and assets inventory) survey here.  Continue reading