The Tallahassee solidarity brigade was part of an Earth Day effort to connect folks to art and to the world we live in.
The event description reads:
"I invite you to create a roadside altar or art installation that is visible from the street. Let's adopt our own version of the roadside shrines of old for all to contemplate.
Our target date is April 22, Earth Day, a day we have marked for 50 years. It was established just as we were learning how interconnected the web of life is. Hopefully whatever is created will endure and evolve for weeks after.
Altars or shrines draw our attention, offer an invitation to open, to breathe, and to step out of our everyday concerns. In ancient times they were often placed at the fork in the road, a place of decision, of choice.
This is certainly a time of transition. It is a time of grief, anxiety, hope, and so much more. An altar can focus on any of these, or anything the person or people creating the altar would like to share. We who walk these roads welcome your offerings. The intention and meaning is up to you.
We are not alone."