On Vashon Island, nettles grow everywhere! March-April is a PERFECT time to harvest this nutrient-rich native food.
As part of Backbone Campaign's Resilience work, we asked our friends Alix Clarke and Eunice Blundt (aka Martha Enson) to demonstrate how to use this plant, as a potential immune boosting food. With a touch of humor - they demonstrated the different stages of preparation from harvesting without getting stung, how to prepare in soup, make chips, and preserve the goodness in tea and tincture.
Download a pdf of some of Eunice and Alix's recipes, plus a couple extras using the Nettle.
Be sure not to miss this hilarious video (also shown in our Zoomcast) with Eunice Blundt and her husband George, the "New Loud Americans" that inspired this online workshop/interview:
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