Orca Task Force Meeting: Wenatchee

7 August 18: Attended the Orca Task Force meeting in Wenatchee to show that people want urgent action and leadership to save the orcas.

No doubt that the members are intelligent, talented people who will certainly provide important information to policy makers.

That said, this task force is not a replacement for the urgent leadership we need from Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

The Governor and AG don't need to wait to get working on the most important work of removing the lower Snake River dams. They need to get busy collaborating with tribes to force the removal of those derelict dams ASAP. They don't need to wait for a task force. AND the task force actually seems to resent that Governor for foisting the decision on the task force. Jay Inslee needs to just make the call.

#BreachTheDams #FreeTheSnake #RestoreTheChinook #SaveTheOrca

Check out coverage by the Yakima Herald.

Watch a video of the action on Facebook.