Meet Up/Potluck at Backbone HQ's Warehouse Library

2024 promises to be a year where actions and street heat will be critical for getting attention to the causes that matter to our communities.

How can we mobilize Backbone's trove of resources, skills, and props to meet the urgent need for compelling and enrolling actions?

At Backbone HQ, in our 20th year of creative actions, we hope to attract more community groups and individuals to use the warehouse space and our library to prepare for actions - making banners, learning how to use the lights and other tools, block printing, and more. 

How do we jump start this accelerated use?  

Join us for a gathering to discuss this and the direction we're going, as well as celebrate the Backbone Community and look at props and tactics, including the NEW chinook salmon!

Sunday, January 21st

11:30am - 2pm (stay for as long as you like)

Backbone Sheffield Warehouse

POTLUCK - please bring something to share, if possible!



  • January 21, 2024 at 11:30am – 2pm
  • Backbone Warehouse
  • Amy Morrison

Will you come?

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  • Amy Morrison
    published this page in Home Calendar 2024-01-03 16:46:31 -0800