RSVP Below to join the vibrant and colorful visual team at the "Stop Salmon Extinction - Free the Snake River" Event in Olympia, culminating in a powerful Human Orca Mural next to the Capitol!
- Saturday, April 2
- 10-12:30 (Set up starts at 9am)
- Location: Olympia Ballroom, then procession to the Capitol Lawn
The Olympia Rally & March will have inspiring speakers, opportunities to create short video testimonials for social media, and a group processional to the Capitol Campus for lunch and the Human Orca Mural. Gov. Inslee will be invited to greet us. Procession led by the Artesian Rumble Arkestra & food by Nineveh.
Doors open at 10, speakers at 11.
Come hear:
Kristopher Peters, Tribal Chairman, Squaxin Island Tribe
Les Purce, past chair of the Orca Task Force - Invited
Lisa Parshley, Olympia City Council Member
Rabbi Seth Goldstein, Olympia’s Temple Beth Hatfiloh
Owen Begley-Collier, 16-year old conservationist, Snake River Savers
Rein Attemann, event emcee, Puget Sound Campaign Manager, Washington Environmental Council
To share this event or get details: Facebook event page
- April 02, 2022 at 9:00am – 1pm
Olympia Ballroom
Olympia, WA
United States
Google map and directions -
Amy Morrison