March Forth with Bold Action from Kayaktivism to the TPP

You gave us the capacity to:


  • Train 400+ people to take direct action on the water to stop Shell
  • Organize 14+ powerful Kayaktivist actions that earned international headlines.
  • Confront one of the world's most powerful oil corporations and WIN
  • Inspire Kayaktivism across country and planet, from Alaska to Santa Barbara, Vermont, Michigan, Denmark, Finland and beyond
  • Design and deploy imagery for the DC World Rising Week of Action against the TPP

Thank You for making the Backbone Campaign your community-supported voice for a sustainable and humane world for the last 12 years.  We continually strive to express your creativity, values and vision and be a vehicle for manifesting the world you long to see. 

Now, we need your help to channel all the inspiring actions, the invigorated passion of change agents new and old, and the lessons learned into new victories.

Our bold, cutting edge work is hard to fund and Backbone needs to grow beyond our tiny 2 1/2 staff. In order to remain nimble, able to take initiative when opportunity presents itself, and provide generous support to causes you care about, we need you and your friends to re-commit. Stand with Backbone Campaign ALL year long by joining the Lumbar Club.

Our Lumbar Club Angels give from $5-200 a month to keep Backbone standing tall and working hard. Please take this opportunity to make sure you are part of that important Club. Become a Lumbar Angel TODAY!

Our journey is just beginning.  We have so much more we can accomplish together, especially if you deepen your investment by joining our Lumbar Club today.  I invite you to give me a call sometime in the next week to let me know what inspires you and where we can have the biggest impact in the coming year. 

In Gratitude and Collaboration,

Bill Moyer
co-founder & E.D. Backbone Campaign

PS: If you are inspired like I am by people stepping into their courage and taking bold action, help us support them with the training and tools they need to safely take direct action. Join the Lumbar Club Today!