Solidarity Brigades

Use creative communication tools for social and environmental justicePhilProjectingStateHouse.jpg

Lift up your local community’s work

Connect with a network of fellow Action-Oriented Organizers

Join the Backbone Solidarity Brigade network of autonomous multi-affiliated affinity groups deploying artful activist tactics in solidarity with local and national causes.   


The tools and capacity we share with communities include: 

Artful Activism props like Trump Bobble Heads; a 16’ Racism-is-the-Elephant-in-the-Room inflatable elephant; a 28’ 28th Amendment & 210’ Constitution Preamble celebrating “We the People” (juxtaposed to “We the Corporations”) to end Corporate Personhood; fleet of inflatables, including globes, salmon, orca, pipeline. Sign up to borrow imagery here.

Banner kits with changeable messages and lettering, so groups can get their message out during day time traffic commutes, at marches, and other spots - loudly, in a highly visible way. Order yours by clicking here.

Night time visibility tools - light projections on buildings using GOBOs and LED light panels to spell out a message on a freeway overpass, the side of a building, or other visible location.

Engage with Backbone Campaign in the praxis of artful activism and reflection of collective purpose, goals, strategy and vision.

Join a Solidarity Brigade near you or start your own by visiting their calendar page and fill out the contact form for Seattle  •  Spokane  •  Bellingham  •  Olympia  •  Bay Area  •  Los Angeles  •  San Diego  •  Las Vegas  •  Denver/Boulder  •  Dallas  •  Milwaukee/Madison, WI  •  Chicago  •  Michigan  •  New York City  •  DC/Baltimore  •  Portland  •  Atlanta, Minneapolis, Wenatchee, LA - Long Beach, Houston, San Antonio, Brownsville, San Francisco, Eugene, Miami, Tallahassee, Boston, Charleston, Nashville, Newark.

Learn how to get started here.

Access resources by signing the MOU and joining our next monthly call (third Thursday of the month, 5pm (Pacific)/8pm (Eastern).

Tell us how YOU want to  ENGAGE  with Backbone:


Continue below to RSVP for these actions or HOST your own!


  • Human Orca Mural - Lisabeula Park

    Please RSVP below to join us!

    Sunday, February 23rd at Lisabeula Park

    1-2 pm

    Wear black, if you can!

    Gather with like minded individuals, learn about other ways you can take action for our beloved Southern Resident Orca, and be part of one of the most iconic interactive action oriented events!

    Please be sure to RSVP below so we are able to accurately plan for how many to expect. We so look forward to seeing you there! 
