In 2015 You Believed in People Power and worked with us to:
Host the 7th Annual Localize This! Direct Action Camp with over 65 change agents from across the U.S.
- Build the foundation for Action Brigades with 20 projection lights across the country!
- Create the "Elephant in Room is Racism" Touring Action
Thank You for making the Backbone Campaign your community-supported voice for a sustainable and humane world for the last 12 years. We continually strive to express your creativity, values and vision and be a vehicle for manifesting the world you long to see.
Our bold, cutting edge work is hard to fund and Backbone needs to grow beyond our tiny 2 1/2 staff. In order to remain nimble, able to take initiative when opportunity presents itself, and provide generous support to causes you care about, we need you and your friends to re-commit. Stand with Backbone Campaign ALL year long by joining the Lumbar Club.
Our Lumbar Club Angels give from $5-200 a month to keep Backbone standing tall and working hard. Please take this opportunity to make sure you are part of that important Club. Become a Lumbar Angel TODAY!
In Gratitude and Collaboration,
Bill Moyer
co-founder & E.D. Backbone Campaign