The Seattle area Backbone "pod" (Bill and Aziza) hit the streets to exercise some First Amendment protected speech.
"The disease is terrible. The opportunity for change is great. What is also terrible is how a disaster like this impacts the most vulnerable the hardest. The pandemic of global inequality is a matter of life and death. As we drove through the Seattle streets - the houseless people - and to some extent the most vulnerable working people - were present and unhidden by crowds. These people had no protection, no support and no capacity to practice the distancing and protocols available to others, privileged enough to be able to stay home.
We need a massive pivot to localization, sustainability, and a new deal that leaves no one behind. Let's use CoViD-19 as an escape hatch out of the collective madness of capitalism's cult of consumption and its greedy perpetual concentration of power and wealth.
This crisis comes with so much suffering that to simply go back to business as usual would be a sin, a squandering of perhaps our final chance to restore balance. #ReMakeTheWorld
PS - Congratulations Aziza for your first projection action and welcome to the Solidarity Brigades!"
Projections read "Abolish ICE", "DeCommodify Everything", "Proclaim 2020 Year of Jubilee Cancel Debt", "We Are All In This Together #ReMakeTheWorld", "Medicare for All", and "Housing Is A Human Right".
Photo credit to Bill.