Backbone East teamed up with our allies at the Moving Forward Network to shine a spotlight on the EPA Building to say, Grant the CARB Waivers Now!
Right now, California has eight regulations pending that will reduce emissions from the freight transportation system. However, the EPA must grant “a waiver after notice” for these regulations to be enforced. Once these waivers have been granted, other states can adopt similar regulations.
It is imperative that the EPA grants these waivers before the end of the year and before the next presidential administration takes office. This is an important moment for our network to raise our collective voices and call for the EPA to grant all eight waivers without delay.
Message from the Moving Forward Network:
Hey @whitehouse and @epagovthe clock is ticking on a crucial opportunity to save frontline and fenceline lives from deadly diesel pollution.
Frontline and fenceline communities and workers deserve to thrive. Stop the delay! Finalize the waivers in full.
Escuchen, @whitehouse y @epagov: el tiempo se agota, y con él, la oportunidad de salvar vidas en las comunidades de primera línea y comunidades vecinas de instalaciones industriales afectadas por la contaminación letal por diésel.
Antes de que llegue el año nuevo, les pedimos que otorguen exenciones para LAS OCHO regulaciones pendientes.
Los trabajadores y las comunidades de primera línea y comunidades vecinas de instalaciones industriales merecen prosperar. ¡Basta de demoras! Concedan las exenciones en su totalidad.
Photos by Frank Fitzpatrick
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