Christians for a Free Palestine

On December 2, 2024, as a Kirkland WA megachurch hosted Christians United for Israel (CUFI) founder John Hagee, a coalition of Christian faith communities gathered in song and prayer to oppose CUFI's far-right hateful theologies.

Gathered in candlelight vigil for the people of Gaza, about 50 participants performed a ritual of placing rocks to create a Jesus-in-the-rubble nativity scene, inspired by Palestinian Lutheran minister, Rev Munther Isaac. Our banner and message was displayed towards the CUFI event, while prayers were spoken for justice and peace, for an arms embargo, an end to the occupation and siege, and for abundant aid and safety for all God's beloveds.

CUFI's Christian Zionism theology views Jewish people as pawns in their biblical end times prophecy, believing that the second-coming of Jesus will occur once Jewish people return to Israel. Their theology is deeply antisemitic, Islamophobic, queerphobic, racist and hateful. Christian Zionists, far outnumbering Jewish Zionists, are the unseen backbone of U.S. support for the state of Israel. Hagee and friends use the money amassed from their congregations to lobby public officials, in addition to personally profiting from their grift. As Christians challenged to follow in the way of Jesus, we must join together to reject this false gospel of fear and hatred. We must acknowledge the lifetimes of harm done in the name of Christianity and start repairing the damage. We gathered to say that genocide in Gaza cannot happen in our name. 

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  • Lucy Larkin
    published this page in Recent Actions 2024-12-05 16:46:28 -0800