I'm writing to you today to ask if you can give a special end of year donation before Monday at midnight.
So many Backbone friends show up in the streets, at freeway overpasses, outside Capitol Buildings and on the steps of Agencies, demanding changes that will save the orca, curb climate change, get money out of politics, and more. We are so grateful for your time and willingness to step up.
If you have any extra cash and can chip in to help fuel artful activism that gets attention, please make your donation here before midnight on the 31st.
With your support, we'll be ready to hit the streets and overpasses, and turn building walls into canvasses when Congress goes back in session on the 3rd of January. We'll broadcast the values and vision that you hold for this country. This is the way to shift culture so that our elected officials are led by we the people, for a future that works for everyone.
Please support creative interventions that get the attention of decision makers by donating before Monday night.
Thank you for all you do!
Yours in Solidarity,
Bill, Amy, and Team Backbone