Backbone was honored to support Edmonds Marsh Estuary Advocates by loaning our lifesize Tahlequah orca inflatable to use in the Edmonds 4th of July parade.
The Edmonds community is fighting for the restoration of the Edmonds Marsh. The marsh used to be prime salmon habitat but salmon can no longer access the marsh, due to blocked culverts and contamination by fossil fuel pollution from Unocal/Chevron.
Local organizer Kathleen T. had a vision of utilizing the life size inflatable orca, swimming with a school of salmon, down the streets of Edmonds, to build awareness and support for the effort.
She and her team did a great job at deploying Tahlequah (as well as all the other props, including salmon windsocks from Endangered Species Coalition!)
We look forward to watching this much needed restoration project happen and are grateful for the work by Kathleen and others to protect our Salish Sea and the PNW keystone species.
Forward Together!
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