May 19th was Endangered Species Day (and 2023 is the 50 year anniversary of the Endangered Species Act). In cities and towns across the Pacific NW, advocates for a free-flowing Snake River showed up to banner that day, to call for a halt to the extinction of wild salmon and resident orca.
From Bellingham to Boise, people who love wild salmon and orca stood at overpasses, ferry docks, intersections and other busy sites to tell commuters that we are standing up for endangered species and that the Snake River dams must be breached to stop extinction.
On Vashon Island, students from Vashon Green School held down an enormous banner and spoke with over 80 commuters waiting for the ferry, to let them know about the Breaching Tuesday campaign, to call the White House (202-456-1111) every Tuesday, to ask President Biden to breach the Lower Snake River dams.
On Bainbridge Island over 350 cars passed by the sign on their drive off the ferry. In Spokane, a crew of 9 people bannered just above the Spokane River. Hundreds of drivers gave thumbs up and honks of support, flashing peace signs and waving.
Next stop for the banners - Orca Month Bannering in June. Stay tuned, or contact [email protected] to get involved at a banner action in your community!
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