Since the end of March, Backbone Campaign has mobilized over 30 volunteers to safely plant, harvest, weed, construct, and organize at Matsuda Farm, Vashon Island's not for profit farm. They have given over 400 hours to grow de-commodified food!
Farmer Caitlin reports that volunteers have made possible dozens of bags of groceries - over $1,000 of gifted food so far - which have been shared with our community's most vulnerable residents.
The growing team has worked together creatively and safely, following strict safety protocols. One of the volunteers set up a handwashing station on the farm, re-purposing a sink we use for Action Camp. A dedicated team spent several days re-constructing a greenhouse.
And because of the fantastic volunteer response, Matsuda Farm has agreed to supply 700 feet of bed space exclusively for donated food, as those beds would not have been planted without the help of our volunteers. The amount of de-commodified produce will grow, as the harvest of the crops volunteers began planting almost two months ago is only beginning.
We are excited to see what opportunities expand from here as we continue to support food security on Vashon! Thank you to all the volunteers who make this project happen.
Thanks for all everyone's doing to help out neighbors, stay safe, and re-weave our world.