11 cities lit up in solidarity with Gulf Coast Folx and #PowerShift2021


In solidarity with Gulf Coast Folx and those on the frontlines of climate change and economic vulnerabilities, Backbone Campaign Solidarity Brigade projectionists shone "Climate Justice is Economic Justice" and "Climate Justice is Racial Justice" in 11 cities across the US: Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Bellingham, Wenatchee, Bay Area, Kansas City, Houston, Madison, Portland Maine, Spokane.

The projections happened concurrently with the Power Shift Network event in New Orleans, April 16-18, 2021.  The Power Shift Network is a youth lead network of activists who are aiming to shift the power and create a bottom-up movement to tackle the climate crisis. Read more about their inspiring work, and their next Power Shift Convergence here

Check out our Flickr album for more images from the 11 cities that participated in solidarity. 




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  • Malaïka Caldwell
    published this page in Recent Actions 2021-06-10 12:11:19 -0700