Immigrants Make America Great

What a difference four people standing on an overpass for an hour can make. 

Last week, sickened by the scapegoating of immigrants and unconstitutional actions of Trump, Team Backbone assembled a giant overpass banner reading, Immigrants Make America Great.
We deployed it on a Seattle overpass on Thursday for rush hour commuters to see. The response was INCREDIBLE! We reached an estimated 30k people with nearly 50% of them waving, honking and expressing a palpable sense of relief and gratitude.  When people are disheartened and fearful, is exactly the moment when when standing up with backbone in a public and principled way matters most. 


Our action and message was was highlighted in local news coverage, received 24k likes on Reddit and continues to spread on social media. 

It's pretty damn obvious that scapegoating immigrants while enshrining the oligarchs is not going to deliver change any working class person can believe in. The grievance that people feel regarding loss of living wage jobs, sense of connection to communities, meaningful work make things and growing food is not because of immigration, it is due to the insatiable greed that was unleashed by neoliberal policies of the past 45 years and has resulted in obscene wealth of a very few and precarity for everyone else.

Right now, it is critical that we stand up for and with our brothers and sisters against hate mongering. We need to express our positive values and aspiration in public ways.
We cannot afford to be silent, or we may forget how to stand up and speak up. Those of us who are not targets of this hate have the greatest opportunity and obligation to speak up.
This work is only possible because of people like you.
Backbone Campaign wants to and can help with this. We would very much like to work with people like you all to display this and other messages in safe, legal and highly visible ways. It only takes a few people willing to spend an hour of their morning or afternoon.

We invite you to join us. 

We have the tools to mobilize a banner in your community too. Get your banner toolkit here

We are hitting the ground running for 2025. Contribute a tax-deductible donation so we can continue the fight. Donate here

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  • Lucy Larkin
    published this page in Recent Actions 2025-01-25 11:14:41 -0800