Backbone Campaign is bringing out our tools to support the Movement for Black Lives' call for systemic overhaul of our justice systems, as well as the call for Trump to resign.
Several of our teams across the US are heading out tonight for light projection and bannering.
Our fearless Solidarity Brigade leader and friend Phil Ateto rocked his light in unprecedented ways last night in DC, near the White House.
- The video of him mixing projection with shining a light on snipers and cops on rooftops has gone viral.
- His projection onto the military truck in Lafayette Square and other projections - capturing the message of the protests - were lauded in the Washington Post.
Thank you, Phil, for this bold action!
We feel very inspired and challenged to do more in the coming days. What about you?
Besides projection, the banner tool is super useful. Earlier this week we used the giant banner tactic in protests in the street, on the freeway, and on the overpass in Seattle. Yesterday, youth volunteers at Backbone created a new banner in 30" letters "TRUMP MUST RESIGN" - echoing the Movement for Black Lives messaging. We'll be taking it out Friday AM and PM - if you're in Seattle, help us deploy it at the overpasses. (We need your help!)

Now is the time for action (and for rest for those who've been out).
We can mail you a banner tool kit, and we provide them at cost and sliding scale. Order yours HERE.
Interested in getting set up with light projection? If there's not already a Backbone light in your community, we can help get you gear and train you virtually. Contact us.
In the Seattle area?
Can you help get banners, lights and other imagery deployed over the next few days? Text or call 206-495-1969 to let us know your availability.
Many of our tools can be deployed in CoViD-safe ways; we are taking every precaution with masks, gloves and disinfectants.
We are currently organizing for a team to help banner Friday AM at the Yesler overpass. Contact Amy asap if you can help.
Backbone is committed to making every effort to mobilizing these tactics in sync with and bolstering the leadership of black and brown organizers, and in sync with messaging from the Movement for Black Lives.
And we are committed to giving folks who are new to our movement - especially young people - safe and creative ways to engage.
Will you join us?
- Team Backbone

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