Orca Month Bannering

From Seattle to Portland to Whidbey Island to Bainbridge Island to Lewiston, we took to the overpasses and streets to stand up for our Southern Resident Orcas during Orca Month! We celebrated in 8 different cities across the Pacific Northwest by bannering in support of removing the Lower 4 Snake River Dams. 


The Southern Resident Killer Whales, or Orcas, primary source of food is Chinook Salmon. This beloved group of whales is only 73 in population and has been listed as endangered since 2005. Many threats have been identified that factor into their struggle for survival.

The Southern Residents travel anywhere from SE Alaska to Central California. They have been known to frequent the mouth of the Columbia River which the Snake River drains into. The Snake River Salmon run is one of many in the PNW that has seen a decrease in numbers to quasi-extinction levels. 

Now till July 3rd, you can help make a difference by leaving a comment to the Council on Environmental Quality here.

Check out our Instagram page with a reel containing footage from Orca Month bannering

Stay tuned for more bannering events that you can join to help make a difference. 

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  • Bill Moyer
    followed this page 2023-06-27 22:31:46 -0700
  • Backbone Campaign
    published this page in Recent Actions 2023-06-27 21:37:51 -0700