Tuesday Member of Congress Rally


Every Tuesday, Seattle Indivisible Member of Congress Rally, 11AM to 1PM

Location:  Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle


Rally from 11AM to Noon

Meeting with Senators Murray and Cantwell staffers, Noon to 1PM

Staffers:  Richard Lazarno and Tommy Bauer

If you would like to speak at the rally, please email: [email protected]

“I found it very easy to walk on the 9:40 Vashon to Fauntleroy boat, take the Metro C-line bus to Seneca and 3rd, then walk 2 blocks to the Federal building.  - JZ”

  • March 07, 2017 at 11:00am – 1pm
  • Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle
  • Jennifer Zeisig

Will you come?