Are you an artist, maker, tinkerer, creative, carpenter, or handy with tools or paint brushes?
Do you want to put those skills to use for positive social change?
Then join us for our quarterly Builder's Guild Gathering on Monday the 27th on Vashon at the Backbone HQ (JT Sheffield Building, look for the LED Light Panel) at 18850 103rd Ave SW, Vashon, WA 98070. Directions HERE
Please RSVP below!
Join us to dream and scheme new props and imagery creations to make our social movements more potent, inspiring, and activating. RSVP below, bring your creativity cap, and check out the mosaic below for a small sampling of some of the recent Builders Guild accomplishments.
WHO: The Backbone Builders Guild is a home for artists, builders, visionaries, problem solvers, and those who like to tinker. If you've got an affinity for making theatrical protest art we want to know! (Text or call Eric at 805-776-3882 if we're not connected already).
New Projects: During the meet-up we'll:
- explore a new inflatable Lady Liberty puppet to support organizing on immigration issues
- learn of progress on the shippable Overpass Light Brigade messages and papier-máché Trump bobble head puppets
- design new caricatures of selected officials
- create new spine awards for leader's who've taken a stand
- design shippable solar panels and wind turbine prop
- craft a lightweight inflatable globe and more!
TRANSPORT: Come to the Backbone HQ on Vashon.
We can pick up walk-on passengers from
- the West Seattle 4:45pm and 5:10pm ferries
- the Downtown Seattle 4:30pm walk-on ferry
- the Tacoma Point Defiance 4:35pm and 5:30pm ferries.
What's Been Happening: Builders Guild folks have been busy creating a 12 foot-tall double-sided 2D prop of Lady Liberty with Trump trying to grope her, 3 papier-máché Trump bobble head puppets, a Russian Putin bobble-head puppet, prototyping the use of 3D scanning to create a inflatable salmon puppet representing our love of the Salish Sea, making giant overpass banners, making stencils for guerrilla light projection, creating and repairing LED light panels, and more!
Feel free to bring snacks, beverages, photos/video, and schematics to share, we''ll kick it in the cozy conference room.
- February 27, 2017 at 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Backbone Campaign Office at the JT Sheffield Building
18850 103rd Ave SW
Vashon, WA 98070
United States
Google map and directions -
Eric Ross