Although it feels like it has been a long year, let’s figure out how we can finish strong! RSVP at the bottom of this page to get call details so you can join our discussion on how we can stay engaged through the new year and support issues coming to the forefront in the coming weeks now that elections are over.
Some of the things we may discuss:
COP 24 climate negotiations
- Green New Deal movement
- Migrant caravan arrival
- Lower Snake River Dam removal
- Acting AG Whitaker appointment
If you have any thoughts on what we should prioritize discussing or are engaged on the front lines of any of these issues and would like to talk a bit on how the network can engage and support, please email Phil.
If possible please join us by video on your smartphone or computer so we can see each other and build community in our network.
We know this has been a long year, please know that we appreciate all of your hard work and are grateful to be linking arms with you!
Together, we can help avert the impending crises and change despair into hope by taking impactful action on the issues we all care about. Action by action, we will build the world we aspire to create.
RSVP below TODAY! Call in information will be sent to you immediately after your RSVP.
- November 29, 2018 at 5:00pm – 6pm
- Your phone or computer
- 36 people are going

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