World Orca Day - Westlake Center

Wednesday, July 14th is World Orca Day. 

We're bringing our lifesize Tahlequah orca and her calf to Westlake, with a banner, to spread the word in downtown Seattle that the best way to help the orca is to ensure their primary food source, Columbia Snake River salmon, don't go extinct - which they will if we don't breach the dams on the Lower Snake River.

We'll have a banner, the inflatable orcas, and flyers, asking folks to sign and support the Umatilla Youth Petition to President Biden to breach the dams.

Can you help us deploy these props?

Wednesday, 7/14


RSVP below and we will follow up with you with the meeting spot!

  • July 14, 2021 at 11:30am – 1pm
  • Westlake Plaza, Seattle
  • 1 person is going
  • Amy Morrison

Who's RSVPing

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  • Amy Morrison
    published this page in Home Calendar 2021-07-13 11:33:01 -0700