This is an EPIC opportunity to connect the dots on climate, the environment, and the war machine that is destroying the planet and its people, here and abroad. PLEASE donate what you can TODAY!
Pentagon Flotilla Boat Reservation Page
Join an historic, family-friendly Flotilla at the Pentagon near Washington, DC on September 17, 2017. Be a part of this EPIC opportunity to connect the dots on climate, war and the environment. Call for an end to the the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex's endless resource wars for fossil fuels we can't afford to burn, while killing people and poisoning the environment here and around the globe. Visit the RSVP page NOW. Then reserve your boat on this page TODAY!
Backbone Campaign is proud to be partnering with World Beyond War, Code Pink, and many other allies to produce this epic event.
If you have a boat already - or - if you may be able to loan a boat to someone who doesn't, then please visit the World Beyond War signup page HEREIF you can't attend the Flotilla - PLEASE pitch-in HERE to make sure we have the resources we need to do this safely and effectively. Your contribution will go directly to the rental of watercraft, materials for giant signs, and the transport of our kayativist team to safely facilitate this bold action.