Michelle "Shelly" Vendiola Bio

ShellyVendiolaHeadshot.pngMichele “Shelly” Vendiola

Community Alliance & Peacemaking Project

Co-Founder / Consultant

P.O. Box 535, Anacortes, WA  98221

Email:  [email protected]

Website:  http://capp4justice.com

Shelly Vendiola (Swinomish/Visayan)

Ms. Vendiola is of mixed heritage both Swinomish and Filipina (an Indipina), she is a certified mediator, peacemaker, educator and community activist.  She currently serves as full-time faculty for the Northwest Indian College Native Studies Leadership Program. Shelly is the co-founder of the Community Alliance and Peacemaking Project and has contracted with the Swinomish tribe and the Community-based Climate Education & Awareness Group on the Swinomish Climate Change Initiative.  She formerly served as the Campaign Director and mediator for the Indigenous Environmental Network and continues to work in collaboration advocating environmental justice issues for tribes in the Pacific Northwest region.  Ms. Vendiola previously served as an Executive Director for the Lummi CEDAR Project, a native non-profit dedicated to youth leadership and healthy lifestyles where she provides technical assistance, curriculum development and training. 

Shelly received mediation training through the Indian Dispute Resolution Services and the San Francisco Community Boards Program.  She continues to lead workshops in alliance building, organizational development, leadership, peacemaking and dispute resolution throughout the country.  Ms. Vendiola holds a Master Degree in Adult & Higher Education and practices popular education methodology within all aspects of her work.