With our first coordinated action as Solidarity Brigades under our belt, let's circle back up and decide how to continue our forward momentum. Artful activism is on the rise and you are a crucial part of the swell of action!
Join this call to connect with one another and help plan our next coordinated actions and hear how you can get hold of some of Backbone's other visual imagery. In times like these we need to show up for one another and Backbone is here to help empower you to continue doing audacious, high visibility actions and broadcast your hopes for a better world to those who need to hear it most.
JOIN our monthly Solidarity Brigade Organizing conference call on Wednsday, September 20th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST. - RSVP Below.
We use the video conferencing tool ZOOM (you can "mute" your device's camera too, if you just want to watch). If you have access to video on your phone, tablet, or laptop briefly download the zoom app before the call. If you want to skip video altogether you can just dial in with your phone.
The agenda for the call as well as the Zoom link and phone numbers for the call will be forthcoming.
Help our network of change-makers strategize on how we can more effectively and creatively engage in social change. We look forward to hearing your ideas!
- September 20, 2017 at 5:00pm – 6pm
- Your phone or computer
- 17 people are going

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