SR-VignettesAnimated450px.gif Get an ebook, book, poster, or prints of the incredible art by J. Craig Thorpe. See the "THANK YOU!" premiums and levels below.  
  • You may also send a check to: Backbone Campaign, PO BOX 278, Vashon, WA 98070 (Please put "Solutionary Rail" in the memo field.)
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$14,081.00 raised
GOAL: $17,500.00

Solutionary Rail Pitch-in

The momentum around Solutionary Rail is building. Now, we need your help to publish the Solutionary Rail book, educational poster, and build a grassroots alliance powerful enough to make Solutionary Rail a reality. Your contribution comes at a critical time.

The Vision: This proposal comprehensively outlines a doable path towards electrifying rail and revitalizing it for the 21st century. After three years of collaboration engineers, climate campaigners, experts in the advances of rail design and more have drafted this innovative proposal to connect communities serving passengers, farmers, rural renewable power generation cooperatives, all while moving heavy freight off our congested roadways and shrinking the climate changing footprint of outdated methods for transporting goods. 

The Challenge: Help us meet the $5k matching pledge, we only have until September 6th to claim it. Your donation will be matched (doubling your gift!) up to that $5k limit.

Exciting Update: Bill McKibben enthusiastically wrote the foreword. "Rail electrification, as proposed in this remarkable book, is that rarest of things: a genuinely new idea and one that makes immediate sense." - excerpt from Bill McKibbens foreword to the upcoming Solutionary Rail book. 

The Opportunity: The Washington State Labor Council, during their annual convention, voted unanimously to support Backbone Campaign's Solutionary Rail proposal urging Governor Jay Inslee "to evaluate Solutionary Rail feasibility and to bring the general concept of rail corridor electrification, powered by renewable energy, into the broader "green" industrial transportation system."

Lock arms with these labor leaders to reshape the future of U.S. railroads for the common good, workers, communities, and the environment. Donate Today!

Our Thank you gifts according to the level of your investment:

$10 Get the Solutionary Rail eBook -
Become an ambassador for a bold vision! Get the Solutionary eBook.

$20 Signed Solutionary Rail Poster - Get a Solutionary Rail poster signed by the team. The poster features terrific drawings by artist J Craig Thorpe detailing what this bold vision could look like.

$50 Signed Solutionary Rail Book - Arm yourself with a printed copy of the Solutionary Rail book so you can inspire others to manifest an idea whose time has come.

$65 Book & Signed Poster - Give the idea of Solutionary Rail a boost by getting both a printed copy of Solutionary Rail and a signed Poster.

$100 Solutionary Rail Rendering - For every $100 you donate you'll get one of the 6 limited edition color prints from the Solutionary Rail concept renderings, signed by artist and renowned railroad illustrator J. Craig Thorpe. (Along with a Solutionary Rail book and poster.)

$500 Set of 6 Solutionary Rail Prints - 6 limited edition color prints from the Solutionary Rail concept renderings, signed by artist and renowned railroad illustrator J. Craig Thorpe. (Along with a Solutionary Rail book and poster.)

Cover art for Solutionary Rail book by J. Craig Thorpe


* Thank YOU for supporting the Backbone Campaign located in Vashon, WA. Backbone Campaign is registered with Washington State's Charities Program as required by law and additional information is available by calling 800-332-4483 or visiting

Showing 2 reactions

  • Laurel Ramsey
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-06-14 13:46:01 -0700
    Just made a donation to Backbone Campaign
  • Ben Loomis
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-06-11 13:39:25 -0700
    We should remake the US rail transport system into something we are proud of.