A powerful climate change documentary, THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD, illuminates the human stories in the fight for climate action. Rather than focusing on scary statistics and abstract predictions, the feature follows a range of environmental campaigners, of all ages, who are prepared to sacrifice everything in order to save the world.
It includes the story of Backbone's mobilization of kayaktivists during sHellNO.
Buy your ticket and watch the film HERE ON EVENTIVE (available through June 22nd).
At Backbone's virtual screening during Earth Week 2021, we held a panel discussion with activists from the film and filmmaker Joe Gantz, facilitated by Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance:
Read Ordinary People Trying to Save the World - a review by fellow Delta 5 activist Patrick Mazza
Read Do Something - a review in the Guardian.
You won't want to miss this powerful documentary, that weaves the best in storytelling with rare footage and personal revelations. Congratulations, Joe Gantz, on another incredible film!
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