Thanks For Submitting Your 2017 Action Camp Application!

Congrats, we've received your application! We are excited to workshop, train, and play together. 

We'll follow up with you soon about acceptance to camp. We'll ensure you have all the information you need on transportation, what to bring, and more.


If you have any questions email [email protected] and [email protected] or call/text 805-776-3882 or call our office at 206-408-8058.

Donate to Scholarships to Camp - Encourage your friends, family and community to support organizers from impacted Communities & youth to take their activism to the next level! Sponsor an Activist to Camp! - Click HERE

YOUTH ACTION CAMP at Localize This! - Signup for the Young Activist Camp here at Tell your friends about this incredible opportunity available to young activists. Let Jo Walter (Youth Coordinator) know you are interested by calling 360-551-6944 or emailing [email protected].

For the past eight years this gathering has been at the cusp of movement innovation, a source of numerous collaborations, and a spark for countless creative actions from viral Flash Mobs getting 2 million views to a flotilla for fairness. Our giant 1% arrows banner and light projections preceded Occupy. 2012's camp lifted up Eviction Protection in the Seattle area and now our allies have celebrated a victorious Eviction Blockade. In 2014 we held two camps, one in the midwest and the NW. We invited indigenous leaders to transform the camp into lessons on how to be a good ally to Natives, engage in spiritual activism, and culminated in a Native-led day of action rich in beauty and cultural sharing. Participants at camp in 2014 went on to do an amazing blockade of a dangerous oil train and launched the 1st tree-sit in Washington in 14 years.

At Localize This! 2015, participants designed and produced the multifaceted #BeyondDenial racial justice action with an "Action-In-A-Box" toolkit that is now available and has traveled to multiple communities.  In March of 2016 we took Kayaktivism and Artful Activism tactics to the Cove Point Spring Break action camp in Maryland, bolstering We Are Cove Point and other campaigns back East with a new approach to extraction resistance. 

Who's Coming To Camp? - Build Connections & Train Alongside Allies Working on:

  • Fossil Fuel Extraction Resistance like stopping Coal & Oil Trains/Tar Sands/Fracking and LNG
  • Eviction Protection and Foreclosure Defense.
  • Student Debt
  • Economic Justice and Austerity Resistance
  • Immigration Reform
  • Trade and Labor Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • Getting Money out of Politics
  • and more!

Raise your Activism to New Heights at Localize This!