Localize This! is YOUR destination to explore Creative Direct Action Tactics and Effective Organizing Strategies
Applications are still being accepted. Join us at camp for a couple of days or the full week - Apply Today!
The 2017 Localize This! Action Camp is Tuesday July 25th through July 31st (camp out 'til August 1st) on Vashon Island, WA (across the water from Seattle).
Lock arms with passionate action-oriented change agents from across the country.
- Dive into a week of intensive training, strategizing, learning, and sharing of victory stories with some of the movements most effective organizers.
- Take action before everything we value or hold as sacred is extracted, exploited, and extinguished.
What started out as training ground for a community's fight to stop a transnational corporation's environmental destruction has turned into an annual celebration of some of the best our movements for justice have to offer (2017 is our 9th year).
Action Camp workshops are primarily based on skill-building with concentrations on:
• Artful Activism
• Non-Violent Direct Action tactics
• Blockade Techniques
• Community Organizing
• Climbing for forest defense campaigns, banner drops and more
• Kayaktivism
• Anti-Oppression practices
• Solutionary and Porpositional organizing
• Strategic Campaigning and
• Designing and executing creative actions that pressure decision-makers, earn media and build power for "We The People!"
Cost: $300 - $700 Sliding-Scale with limited scholarships available.
This is a Sober Camp. This year we will be joined by youth ages 13 - 17. Do to the presence of youth, to help ensure for their safety and honor participants in recovery we will be enforcing camp as a sober space.
We're excited to learn and skill-up together. RSVP TODAY!
Are you a member of the Lumbar Club or do you Volunteer at our art builds? - Click here to come for some select workshops.
Trainer Bios - Bios for many of the workshop facilitators are found HERE
Camp Schedule - You can find a schedule for many of the workshops offered at camp HERE
First, RSVP on this event page. Then, make sure to fill out the application on the following page.
Donate to Scholarships to Camp - Encourage your friends, family and community to support organizers from impacted Communities & youth to take their activism to the next level! Sponsor an Activist to Camp! - Click HERE
YOUTH ACTION CAMP at Localize This! - CLICK HERE to find out more and SIGNUP TODAY!
- July 25, 2017 at 8:00am – August 01, 2017
Vashon Island, WA
Vashon, WA 98070
United States
Google map and directions -
[email protected]