Localize This! Action Camp is where veteran and novice change agents, and young climate activists 13-17, come together to deepen their skills at effecting social change.
Coming for a day, a couple days, or the full week? - Click HERE to Apply Today!
Are you a member of the Lumbar Club or do you Volunteer at our art builds? - Click here to come for some select workshops.
Bios for many of the workshop facilitators are found HERE
Partial Schedule of Confirmed Workshop Offerings:
Monday the 24th is Setup - Volunteer to Help! (call/text 805-776-3882 or email [email protected])
Tuesday the 25th
- 9AM - Welcoming & Opening Circle
- Anti Oppression Practices (w/ Jenna Peters-Golden of the Anti-Oppression Resource Training Alliance, AORTA)
- Tours of Tracks: Blockades and Climbing, Kayaktivism, and Artful Activism
- Briefing on Indigenous-led Resistance to PSE's Fracked Gas Infrastructure in the Port of Tacoma.
- Asset-Based Community Organizing (w/ Jim Diers)
Wednesday the 26th
- Grand Strategy and Theory of Change (w/ Bill Moyer and Special Guests)
- Tips for Making an Action Video (w/Daniel Lee)
- Resisting Divide & Conquer Tactics (w/ Jenna Peters-Golden of AORTA)
- Strategic Campaign Design Panel, Training and workshopping of your campaigns.
- Ballot Initiative Organizing (w/ Cindy Black of Fix Democracy First)
- Corporate Pressure Campaigns - When Asking Nicely Isn't Enough (w/ Amanda Schemkes)
- Personhood and Power, Rights and Racism (w/ Daniel Lee).
- Climb Training
- Kayaktivism
- Train the Trainer workshop (w/ Jenna Peters-Golden of AORTA)
- Technical Blockade Building Workshop (w/ Gedden)
- Know Your Rights: A Legal Primer for Activists (w/ Amanda Schemkes)
Thursday the 27th
- Escalation of Creative Tactics, Action Design, Pitching Actions and Action Planning
- Climbing
- Kayaktivism
- Non-Violent Direct Action
- Facilitating Challenging Conversations (w/ Meg Wade of 350Seattle)
- Security Culture (w/ Amanda Schemkes)
- Exploration of Distributed Organizing Models - Facilitated Discussion of Solidarity Brigade Network and a Panel with Community Supported Organizers
- Speaking Your Truth to Power - Challenging Institutionalized Agism (w/ Amanda Blaine)
Friday the 28th
- Climbing
- Kayaktivism
- Movement Action Planning model for Social Movement Organizing (w/ Mary Lou Finley)
- How to build a Meaningful and Lasting Coalition between POC and White Allies (w/ Zarna Joshi of Women of Color Speak Out)
- Non-Violent Communication (w/ Amanda Blaine)
- Building Ginormous Inflatable Puppets, Stitching 101 (w/ Riki Ott & friends)
- Radical Consent: Protecting Your "Yes" with a Powerful "No" (w/ Amanda Blaine)
- Giant Banner Building and Guerrilla Light Projection (w/ Phil, Eric and friends)
- Song & Dance Flashmobbing (w/ Bill Moyer & friends)
- Solutionary Organizing Panel
- Ant-Racist Organizing without Enemy Images (w/ Amanda Blaine)
Saturday the 29th
- Kayaktivism
- Skill-shares and Participant-led Workshops
- Intro to U.S. Environmental Law & Politics
- Climbing
- We Almost Didn’t Make It - Exploring uncertainties about the future from the perspective of our descendants (w/ Beverly Naidus and Carol Rashawnna of ARTifACTs)
- Tripod Blockades (w/ Gedden)
- Equity & Environmental Justice
- "The Way Out Is In" - Healing the Fragmentation from Ourselves and Others (w/ Dr. Fatmeh Kassme)
- Drumming for Demonstrations
- Working with our Fear Responses
- Tactical Communications / Radios (w/ Gedden)
- Youth Climate Action in the Pacific Northwest & Worldwide Panel
Sunday the 30th
- Prep Day for Final Action - Come Help Make Art!
- Kayaktivist War Games (on-water role play)
- Climbing
International Environmental Law & Politics
- Youth Climate Campaign Strategy Session
Monday the 31st
- Final Action
Now, more than ever, we need to come together to vision, strategize, and skill-up in order to create the world we yearn for!