Friends, we make a far larger impact when we lock arms and take action in solidarity with each other.
Members of our new Solidarity Brigade network are invited to log their suggestions for actions and messages we can agree to take in coordination with each other.
Please help us by suggesting messages and actions that you'd like to take in coordination with other activists across the country.
Also - PLEASE - rate the suggestions we and others are making by indicating the your level of interest in each. Select your reaction to each proposal: "Nope" , "Maybe", "Sure", "Yes!", "HELL YES!"
Thanks for participating in this growing network of artful activists. Forward Together!
Working forum
I think a forum where we can all interact and help each other would be extremely helpful to people in their communities IF people engage and participate!
Impeach Trump for Criminal Incompetence
Would anyone be interested in doing a projection action for impeachment? How would this message work? : "Impeach Trump for Criminal Incompetence "
Improved Medicare for All Solidarity Light Projection
It may be timely to get GOBOs out around our network related to "Improved Medicare for All" - possibly with complimentary "Keep It Stupid Simple" message like we did outside Trump's DeploraBall.
coordinated nationwide action
Our solidarity brigades decide on a message/issue and coordinate a night/day of action in various cities.