Improved Medicare for All Solidarity Light Projection

It may be timely to get GOBOs out around our network related to "Improved Medicare for All" -  possibly with complimentary "Keep It Stupid Simple" message like we did outside Trump's DeploraBall.


Showing 5 reactions

  • Eleanor Goldfield
    commented 2017-06-21 04:08:13 -0700
    Definitely think this is worth working on! We can also work with the broader coalition:
  • Eleanor Goldfield
    tagged this with hell yes! 2017-06-21 04:08:13 -0700
  • Philip Ateto
    commented 2017-06-13 11:50:28 -0700
    With people more aware than ever about our healthcare system with the repeated attempts to repeal the ACA/Obamacare now is a perfect time for us to push for single payer healthcare and support HR676! Bernie is supposed to be dropping the Senate version later this summer.
  • Philip Ateto
    tagged this with hell yes! 2017-06-13 11:50:28 -0700
  • Bill Moyer
    published this page in Solidarity Brigade Forum 2017-06-12 17:35:48 -0700