In light of the recent events in Charlottesville, the Backbone Campaign wants to help empower people in our network to have high visibility anti-white supremacy actions and/or be prepared if any white supremacist rallies or marches come to your area.
Join us on an action planning and mobilization call this Wed 8/23 at 5PM (Pacific)/8PM (Eastern) to help plan and be a part of coordinated actions around the country. RSVP below and email instructions for connecting via Zoom will be sent to you.
Our plan for the call and actions:
- For those with light projectors, we're sending out anti-white supremacy GOBOs to those interested in doing a coordinated projection action in the coming weeks. We need input on what message(s) to send out.
- For those with no light projector currently in their town’s network, we'd like to help you build a highly visible banner to use at a highway overpass or other appropriate place in your community.
- We are also looking to organize a nationally coordinated healthcare action in light growing support for single payer.
Join the Solidarity Brigade network:
If you are interested in mobilizing any of these tactics in your community please contact Phil at: 443.223.8202 or [email protected]
We want to help you respond rapidly to current events, using high visibility tactics in coordination and solidarity across the country. Through our Solidarity Brigades, Backbone seeks to help build relationships locally as well as build the people power we need to change the course of the country!
RSVP below - and see you Wednesday!
- August 23, 2017 at 5:00pm – 6pm
- Zoom conference call
- 23 people are going
Phil Ateto

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