Backbone Activist Toolkit

Water Is Life OLB at Standing Rock
Want to enhance your actions?
Think your meetings could be more productive?
Want some legal tips for your new members?
Download your copy of our 2014 Activist Toolkit.



Backbone's Activist Toolkit is a great resource for creative direct action oriented change agents!

Backbone Activist Toolkit of May 2014Download it HERE!

The activist toolkit offers some tips and best practices on:

  • Running an Effective Meeting
  • Planning Your Action
  • How To Start an Affinity Group
  • Action Logistics, Roles, and a Checklist
  • Vital Know Your Rights info

Feel free to use, implement, and spread it -  it's our gift to you and our progressive social movements. Send us a media clipping or photos of your action so we can share your victory stories with others.

Please note that the toolkit doesn't replace the workshops and trainings Backbone offers, it's an accompaniment.

To request your own training or workshop check out our offerings HERE and submit a request HERE.

If your looking for a tutorial on building our Giant Freeway Overpass banners Click HERE. If you want to add light projection bat signal like protests to your tactical toolkit Click HERE.


Tell us how YOU want to  ENGAGE  with Backbone: