These are troubling times. But together, we can transform the threat of doom into a promising bloom. A We Are All in This Together movement is blossoming and Backbone is present to nurture that. We are eager to share tools and skills to increase your impact and effectiveness as a change agent. Here are just some of the ways you can March Forth with Backbone this month and beyond. No matter where you live, Backbone is here for YOU! You can order your banner tool kit, check out a Trump Bobblehead or other prop, become a part of a Solidarity Brigade, share lessons on our solidarity web-conference calls, or attend one of our many workshops or trainings. This is just the beginning of how we plan to support your work to Resist, Protect & Create. [And don't miss the 50% eBook Coupon for Solutionary Rail below. Only Good through March 4!]
Intro to Upcoming Opportunities: (details below) [view this email in your browser here]
- Tuesday, March 7, 6pm Overpass Banner Building Team at Backbone warehouse to build a banner. Call 206-408-8058 if you want to be on the Seattle banner deployment team.
- Wednesday, March 8, 5pm Solutionary Rail organizing call RSVP HERE.
- Friday-Saturday, March 10-11 - Resist - Protect - Create! (Overnight) Training Weekend for Strategy, Tactics, and Campaign Design on Vashon Island
- Tuesday, March 13, 5 pm - National Solidarity Call - Infuse your activism with Art! Learn how you can access Backbone's props on this monthly call with Backbone Organizing Director Eric Ross. (Save the date on your calendar; registration details for the call will be sent next week.)
- Saturday-Sunday, March 25-26 - Cultural Healing & Anti-Oppression for Collective Liberation - (Overnight) Weekend Training on Vashon Island
- Save the dates! April 1-2, Media Making and Storytelling workshop on Vashon Island; April 22, Community Organizing Training at O-Space on Vashon Island; July 25-August 1 LocalizeThis! Action Camp on Vashon Island (in its 9th year)
- We are Grateful for your support and collaboration EVERYDAY. If you can pitch-in, support Backbone Campaign's work HERE TODAY!
Skill Up! Resist - Protect - Create! Weekend Workshop Series to Launch NW Change Agent Center
Backbone Campaign is excited to host two trainings this month and we want you to join us! The trainings will be held where we aspire to establish a new Headquarters and a permanent NW Change Agent Training Center on Vashon. It is a former AYH Hostel on 10 acres bordering a land trust forest with pond and trails. The facility has indoor sleeping for as many as 45 people to keep our guests warm and dry in the wet season, as well as camping for larger gatherings. We've held six summer action camps there and are excited to begin using and curating the space year round, in service of our movement. We hope you'll join us to help make this dream a reality.
Artful Activism Backbone - Strategies, Tactics, and Skills for Campaign Organizing:
March 10-11 (6pm on Friday - 3pm Saturday)
An intimate, intensive weekend training for new and veteran change agents. Take a deep dive into the lessons and methods of Backbone and our skilled allies. Throughout the training there will opportunities to learn ways to infuse your activism with art, plan an effective campaign, build community, and nourish yourself with healthy food, surrounded by trees and natural beauty at Backbone Campaign's future Change Agent Training Center. We guarantee that you'll go home invigorated, with tools and strategies for your community.
Register TODAY - Space Limited to 30 people.
In solidarity with the We Rise with Standing Rock event in Seattle, we adjusted our start time so folks could attend the rally at 3 and get to our training by dinner time. If coming from Seattle you might like to take the passenger only ferry (King County Water Taxi) from downtown Seattle to Vashon (runs at 5:30 and 6:30, from Pier 50 in downtown Seattle.)
Schedule:Friday Night, March 10
Saturday, March 11
8 am Breakfast
9 am Session 1 Breakouts:
- Track 1 - Campaign Design w/ WAMend Campaign Coordinator Cindy Black
- Track 2 - Convening skills - Progressive Facilitation with Ellen Finkelstein
Track 3 - Artful Activism & Creative Tactics with Eric Ross
- Track 1 - Campaign Design part 2 with Cindy Black
- Track 2 - Convening Skills part 2 with Ellen Finkelstein
- Track 3 - Artful Activism & Creative Tactics with Eric Ross
1-2:30 Resist - Protect - and CREATE!
Integration & Solidarity Opportunities Discussion - applying lessons to our work and exploring opportunities for collaboration, and next steps in building our intersectional movement.

Where: 12119 SW Cove Rd, Vashon, WA 98070 - Shared sleeping accommodations are available on a first come/first served basis.
Other ways to infuse your activism Backbone:
Connect with Backbone on our monthly solidarity brigade webcast conference call:
Tuesday, March 13 at 5 pm (Pacific) via Zoom video conference (phone-only options available too.) Registration info will be sent next week so you can connect and get your message amplified and BOLD!
Banner Building & Deployment - we're building a team of folks who can crank out banners and banner kits for allies across the country AND deploying banners each week in Seattle. So, we invite you to join the team! If you can be part of this, please contact Eric. The first of many banner builds will be next Tuesday, March 7 at the Backbone warehouse. Come by to lend a hand!
Order a Banner Tool kit! Not nearby but want to get your message out in a big way? Order your own banner tool kit and change out your message as new issues arise. Contact Amy for more information or call 206-408-8058
The Solutionary Rail campaign is rolling forward on multiple fronts. We need your help passing resolutions in your local membership, congressional district or other organization.
PLEASE buy the book if you haven't already. Here's our favorite online outlet for paper copies -
Solutionary Rail is now available as an eBook HERE. USE this discount Coupon code - MARCH4BACKBONE50 - for 50% off TODAY through March 4th - our favorite day of the year ;-)
We are Grateful for YOUR support and collaboration EVERYDAY. If you can pitch-in, please do so. Support Backbone Campaign's work HERE TODAY! And become part of our essential circle of sustaining members by joining the Lumbar Club HERE